凯悦酒店SF La Societe餐厅


Don't just stay here; eat here! 贝博体彩app的一些酒店里有一些特别的餐厅.

You're headed to San Francisco for its iconic views and signature swagger. The rumors suggest there's nothing like an epic helicopter tour over the bay followed by drinks in Central Market...传言是真的. 当然, 你需要为你在海湾之城的冒险加油, 你的下一顿美餐可能比你想象的要近. 多亏了大批烹饪达人涌入这座城市, hotel restaurants are getting their hands on some of the best epicurean innovators around. Here are some hotels that take dining way beyond fresh sourdough bread and Joe's Special.



呼吁所有亲英派: 的骑士 in 酒店Zetta 把高档的英国酒吧食物带到贝博体彩app. Recycled cathedral lights and polished marble floors create an atmosphere fit for a queen, 而菜单将满足饥饿,即使是最挑剔的食客. Begin your culinary odyssey with oysters and crispy brussells sprout chips, 接下来是令人兴奋的经典炸鱼薯条.



吧台后面的牌子在这里 凤凰城酒店 restaurant says "Be Amazing," and it appears the venue has taken its own advice to heart. 深色的装饰增添了美感 钱伯斯 餐厅有一种神秘的氛围, while packed bookshelves and artistic lighting can make you feel at home. 花你的浪漫之夜享受厨师的品尝菜单, or sink your teeth into a New York strip steak or house burger topped with aioli and manchego.



当你想让你的约会对象大吃一惊时, 肮脏的习惯 in 酒店Zelos 是该去的地方吗. Its rooftop location gives it an advantage over most San Francisco restaurants with fresh air and views to kick your meal off right. Considering the soothing combination of glamorous decor and comforting fire pits, 你可以呆在餐厅和酒吧,直到最后一次呼叫. 与此同时, 主厨Justin Koenig的国际美食, 包括意大利乳清干酪饺子和鹅肝煎饼.

La societous酒吧 & 咖啡馆


新装修的 贝博体彩appSOMA凯悦酒店 展示了 La societous酒吧 & 咖啡馆, a contemporary French brasserie inspired by bountiful California produce. Explore their classic French dishes, served in a chic and comfortable space. Don't forget to try their overwhelming selection of French and California wines or their eclectic cocktail selection showcasing French spirits. 停下来吃早餐,欢乐时光,或者尝试他们令人印象深刻的晚餐菜单. 




位于一楼的 酒店卡斯特罗, 大堂吧 has quickly become a beloved spot among locals and visitors searching for a cozy place for cocktails and tasty bites. 有着复古别致的氛围, the bar serves cocktails ranging from creative twists on classics to more unusual concoctions. But don't let the name fool you; 大堂吧 has a full menu featuring delectable options like broccoli rabe flatbreads, 鸡karaage, 甚至还有他们独特的“鱼子酱和薯条”."



卢斯 供应美国菜,但我们说的不是街头摊热狗. 相反,这家餐厅在 贝博体彩app洲际酒店 is serving exquisite fare that ranges from king salmon confit to Pacific halibut poached in California olive oil. From the swirl on the marble floors to the creative way the food is plated, 卢斯让您的用餐体验充满艺术气息.



这家米其林星级餐厅在 希尔顿55号公园 在联合广场. 亲戚考 is a culinary gem that boasts a menu of bold flavors and authentic regional dishes crafted with the finest locally-sourced ingredients. From the comforting and aromatic five-spice duck noodle soup to the velvety smooth Khun Yai's rabbit green curry, every dish exemplifies the chef's dedication to bringing flavorful and authentic Thai cuisine to America. 午餐和晚餐都开放, be sure to make a reservation as this place is popular for both visitors and locals. 



驻扎在 四个季节, MKT takes its farm-to-table mission seriously; but it's not just the fresh eats that will have you coming back for more. The restaurant also boasts killer views of San Francisco from its fifth-floor location, 还有一些非常天才的手工鸡尾酒. Even drink ingredients are sourced from the region, so you're getting a truly local experience. Grab a table and delight in devouring royal sweet scallops or grilled swordfish.



Natural lighting and sleek decor set the stage for your wonderful meal at OneUp,位于 君悦酒店. 一家高档的美国小酒馆,带有明显的北卡罗来纳风味, 这里的菜单是由厨师Kevin Villalovos策划的. 使用新鲜的食材和火炉, 这里的创意混合物包括黑啤酒焖短排骨, 平底锅烤照烧鲑鱼, 还有经典的cioppino. Thursday through Sunday, you can enjoy the live music of local artists while you dine.



位于 丽思卡尔顿酒店 由Michael Rotondo主厨带领, 平行37 has a menu focused on locally-sourced ingredients and market-fresh goodness. 夜生活的完美去处, the restaurant's commitment to keeping things natural is also translated to the decor. Chic slate floors and exposed wood beams combine to create a trendy ambiance. 晚餐菜单上有香草脆皮羊排等菜品, 有机烤鸡, 还有烤章鱼.



邮政室在里面 大灯塔 is a lounge, bar, and all-day dining destination that exudes a Gilded Age opulence. This restaurant brings to life the flavors of the western Mediterranean with the help of locally sourced, 的新鲜农产品. 菜单上的特色是有嚼劲的意大利面, 自然成熟的水果, 还有野生海鲜, 使用加州最好的食材. An array of craft cocktails and a dedicated spritz collection are also available. 不管你是想坐下来吃饭, 清淡的开胃酒, 或者晚上和朋友喝杯鸡尾酒, 邮政室将成为你在联合广场最喜欢去的地方. 



三楼, 酒店大堂有现代诠释经典的餐厅和酒吧, 刚在新酒店开业, 周杰伦,签名集. Step into an upscale, light-filled environment with a comfortable lounge serving meals all day. 在室外露台上放松, complete with fire pits and panoramic views of the iconic San Francisco skyline.


Aaron是Digital的经理 & 社交媒体营销在贝博体彩app旅游. 他在贝博体彩app生活了9年多,从事旅游工作 & 其中超过7个是旅游业. He is usually exploring the Bay Area hunting for that new and unique experience and good food too! 

The 金门大桥 at sunset with a multicolored sky and the San Francisco Bay in the foreground.


第一个知道即将到来的活动和节日, 新餐馆, 特殊交易, 以及海湾边的城市里发生的一切.