

Discover the ten things everyone needs to experience at San Francisco's famous 码头39.

无论你是和孩子们一起旅行, 寻找一个有趣而浪漫的约会环境, 或者只是想和朋友一起度假, 可能性是无限的 码头39这里是贝博体彩app最受欢迎的景点之一.

建于20世纪70年代, 码头39 was one of the first 和 most successful attempts to turn San Francisco's waterfront into a vibrant, 熙熙攘攘的景点吸引着游客和当地人. 贝博体彩app原件之家, 现场表演, 优秀的餐厅, 令人难以置信的观点, 并且靠近许多其他景点, it's no wonder th在39号码头 is second only to 阿尔卡特拉斯岛 among our city's most visited destinations.

而码头有几十个景点, 声音和口味有待探索, 这里有一些你绝对不想错过的.


San Francisco is home to many wild animals — the parrots of Telegraph Hill, 神秘的水牛 金门公园还有一群在39号码头的k码头露营的喧闹的海狮. 这些野生海洋哺乳动物自1990年以来一直居住在码头39, arriving in droves shortly after the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake (scientists still aren't exactly sure why). Visitors tend to leave with a case of sea lion withdrawal after watching the antics of these playful pinnipeds. 值得庆幸的是, 码头39的海狮网络摄像头 让您在闲暇时访问他们虚拟.


的 金门大桥 is a sight unlike any other 和 a must-see for any visitor to San Francisco. 的 most breathtaking angle is one you can only experience by stepping off l和 和 cruising the Bay's sparkling waters. 蓝色的 & 黄金舰队的海湾巡航 把你直接带到桥下的平坦地带, one-hour journey that provides some of San Francisco's most stunning photo-ops of 阿尔卡特拉斯岛城市的天际线,海湾之光等等. 船上还有一个酒吧,所以你可以边航行边喝.



从郁郁葱葱的风景 的要塞 到海特有趣的建筑, San Francisco is easily a photographer's dream (和 an Instagrammer's paradise). 所以在你参观码头39期间, make sure to take advantage of its unique location on San Francisco's waterfront to capture stunning shots of the 金门大桥, 阿尔卡特拉斯岛海湾大桥、海湾灯光和城市的天际线. Here's a tip: Travel to the top of 码头39's Parking Garage for a full 360-degree view of all the above.


就像 北海滩 码头39以其海鲜而闻名. 拥有14家全方位服务的餐厅, 码头39 is known for serving some of the freshest 和 most delicious dishes.

At 雾港鱼屋, all seafood on the menu is guaranteed fresh 和 sustainably farmed—和 every meal comes with a complimentary view of the 金门大桥.

蟹的房子 以世界闻名的“杀手蟹”而闻名,” a two-pound whole Dungeness Crab roasted in a secret garlic sauce 和 served on a sizzling iron skillet.

码头市场 is well known for its mesquite-grilled seafood 和 fresh sourdough bread served complimentary to every table. Dine on the heated outdoor patio or in the dining room with views of the San Francisco Bay. 

想要更休闲的环境,请访问 被浪打翻酒吧 & 烧烤. This exciting California surf-themed restaurant features a variety of entrees, 从汉堡、手工披萨到新鲜沙拉, 玉米饼和墨西哥卷饼.  

运动员运动烧烤 & 商场 has that familiar sports bar buzz with 200+ live sports feeds from around the globe on 30 screens, 16瓶啤酒, 很棒的酒吧菜单和熟食三明治, 加上超过85个游戏的街机的兴奋, 全奖中心和更多. 

不管你想吃什么,你都会 满足你的食欲 在39号码头.


Some believe the breezy Bay air inspired the marriage of hot clam chowder 和 sourdough bread bowls, 自19世纪中期以来一直是贝博体彩app的招牌菜. 不过, almost every eatery 和 restaurant on 码头39 is sure to please the clam chowder connoisseur, 用新鲜的室内烘焙的酸面包. 香气在清晨最为浓烈.



Climb into a flying theater 和 feel the unparalleled sensation of riding through San Francisco’s most iconic 和 breathtaking l和marks. 的传单 为你的所有感官创造一种全面的体验. 从金门大桥上起飞,降落 屁股塔,放大 朗伯德街唐人街在红木国家森林中翱翔.

7 d的经验

Experience the thrill of a roller coaster 和 the excitement of an interactive shooting gallery, all without leaving your seat in a state-of-the-art digital theater with surround sound, 3D效果和最新的激光技术 7 d的经验. Compete to achieve the highest score in the theater as everyone tries to capture the gold, 消灭坏的机器人牛仔,拯救世界! 的 fun doesn't stop there: be sure to check out the other 20+ attractions on 的 PIER.


码头39有60多个 专卖店 从盐水太妃糖到左手商品, 定制香料和手工制作的珠宝. It's difficult to leave without that perfect gift for the folks back home. 许多店主直接在柜台后面工作, 如果你最后忘乎所以, 顺便去看看 加州欢迎中心 他们会帮你把贝博体彩app的回忆带回家.



Taking the stairs is not only good for your health; 在39号码头, it's also interactive art. 直接从汤姆·汉克斯的电影《贝博体彩app》中," a set of symphonic stairs located mid-PIER allow you to make your own music as you walk up (or down) them. If you're lucky, you may even be able to recruit a sea lion chorus for a barking backup.


Don't miss one of many talented street performers 和 local musicians who entertain several times throughout the day, 包括杂技演员, 魔术师, 喜剧演员和介于两者之间的一切. 最重要的是, the shows are free 和 tickets are not required — just bring your imagination, 你的幽默感, 当然还有你的相机,以防你成为表演的一部分.


泰勒是老大. 全球内容经理 & 贝博体彩app旅游公司的通讯部. He has lived in San Francisco since 2015 和 has been part of the San Francisco Travel team for just as long. 他同样喜欢引人注目的制作数字和户外体育赛事, which means you can usually find him at one of San Francisco’s many great theaters or at Oracle Park, 为巨人队加油. 

的 金门大桥 at sunset with a multicolored sky 和 the San Francisco Bay in the foreground.


第一个知道即将到来的活动和节日, 新餐馆, 特殊交易, 以及海湾边的城市里发生的一切.