

金门大桥是每个游客名单上的第一名. 学习如何到达那里, 关于最上镜的访问时间的信息, 附近的社区, 和更多的.

的 金门大桥 is pictured with large flowers in the foreground.
金门大桥哪边的景色最好? 你得把它们都看一遍,然后自己做决定.

从贝博体彩app穿过金门海峡 要塞马林 海岬是世界闻名的金门大桥, 很容易通过它的国际橙色来识别. 曾经被称为“无法建造的桥梁”,” today the 金门大桥 is one the seven wonders of the modern world. 这个宏伟的跨度, 也许是贝博体彩app最著名的地标, opened in 1937 after a four-year struggle against relentless winds, 雾, 岩石和危险的潮汐.

1.7 mile-long bridge is anchored by towers that reach 746 feet skyward and was once taller than any building in 贝博体彩app! 支撑悬空的巷道, 两根电缆,每根超过7根,000英尺长,包含80,000 miles of wire—stretch over the top of the towers and are rooted in concrete anchorages on shore.

的 金门大桥 brought the communities of 贝博体彩app and 马林 counties closer together and became one of the most driven sections of historic U.S. Route 101, which stretches from Los Angeles north to 贝博体彩app and beyond. 它同样受欢迎 徒步旅行者 和骑自行车的人, and is the main attraction for runners partaking in any of our many local annual foot races.


行人, 包括轮椅使用者和骑自行车者, can travel the sidewalks of the bridge during daylight hours. Rollerblades, skateboards, roller skates, and electronic scooters are not permitted. For information on sidewalk closures due to construction, visit goldengatebridge.org/bikesbridge/bikes.php.
的re are vista points on both the north and south sides of the bridge. 两个观景点都有停车场. 的se lots have limited space and are closed to vehicles on weekends and holidays from 11 a.m. 到5点.m. We recommend using public transit or booking a guided tour, like Big Bus, to visit these outlooks.




你可以从市中心到金门大桥 联合广场 on 市政. 乘38路公交车向西到Park 要塞 Boulevard. Transfer 到 #28 bus northbound to get 到 金门大桥. 如果你从市中心乘坐金门公交的话, # 10, 70号线或80号线会带你到桥.
的 free 要塞 GO Shuttle’s downtown route will also take you 到 金门大桥 Welcome Center. 的 航天飞机系统 是一个很好的探索选择吗 的要塞, with free and accessible service seven days a week, and with 40 stops within the national park.

如果有兴趣骑车过桥的话, 的要塞 offers bike rentals and electric bike-share opportunities, 另外还有一条推荐的穿过克里西田野的自行车道. 更多信息,请访问 要塞在线.




世界上上镜最多的地标之一, the 金门大桥 is an Instagram hit whenever it’s posted. Here are a few favorite angles and best time of day to snag a shot that will give your followers serious FOMO:


An under the bridge angle from Fort Point is the perfect spot to catch the first rays of sunshine striking the enormous orange superstructure.


From Baker Beach, get an outside-the-gate view of the bridge and the 马林 headlands.


Now’s the time to photograph the bridge with the city skyline in the background. 前往马林海岬. Take the Alexander Avenue turnoff and follow Golden Gate National Recreation Area signs leading under Hwy. 101向南,往贝博体彩app方向. 第一个转弯到海岬.

当地的摄影师 路易斯·拉斐尔 who photographs the bridge almost daily from his Lands End neighborhood also offers these favorites:

  • 的 beginning or very end of Lands End trail at sunrise has two very scenic vista points. Note: Visitors should adhere to all signage in the park and even in approved hiking areas should keep a safe distance from all cliff edges.
  • Mile Rock Beach at sunset or sunrise has a unique perspective of the 金门大桥.
的 Golden Gate is the most iconic attraction in 贝博体彩app and it happens to be free.


的 金门大桥 at sunset with a multicolored sky and the 贝博体彩app Bay in the foreground.


第一个知道即将到来的活动和节日, 新餐馆, 特殊交易, 以及海湾边的城市里发生的一切.

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