
Tuolumne County: The Gateway to Yosemite

Tuolumne County is less than 150 miles from San Francisco, 也是前往约塞米蒂国家公园和斯坦尼斯劳斯国家森林最直接的路线.

这个位于黄金之乡中心的县为游客提供了多种活动选择, making it a prime gateway to the area.

Yosemite National Park

从大橡树平原入口出发,经公园西北侧的全天候120号高速公路到达约塞米蒂, 游客们很快就会看到世界上最壮观、最具标志性的风景, including famed cliffs El Capitan and Half Dome. Deeper into the park, one can visit sights such as the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir, 著名博物学家约翰·缪尔曾经认为哪个地方比优胜美地山谷更美丽. 这座水库是贝博体彩app饮用水的主要来源,也是一个受欢迎的徒步旅行目的地. Also a must-see is the Tuolumne Grove, where one can stand under the canopy of giant sequoias, and even walk through the middle of one. Tuolumne Meadows offers a popular camping, 攀岩和背包客基地位于内华达山脉最大的高海拔草地之一. 瀑布在约塞米蒂的图勒米县地区随处可见, including Rancheria Falls and Wapama Falls.

YARTS, the Yosemite Area Regional Transportation System, 提供每日旺季往返运输豪华汽车大巴从几个地点在图奥勒米县, including Sonora, Jamestown, the city of Tuolumne and Groveland. 马车为观赏风景提供了绝佳的有利位置, and the price includes admission into the park. 各种旅行社都可以安排定制游和旅行团, including Extranomical Adventures, Mother Lode Adventures, Incredible Adventures and Tower Tours.

在格罗夫兰和索诺拉的公园内外都有多个露营地, day and overnight camping is a popular activity. Expert outfitters can lead a trip. 对于那些在他们逗留期间寻找更多现代设施的人, multiple lodging options exist, including the new Rush Creek Lodge, 这是该公园25年来的第一个新度假村,距离北入口仅半英里. 还有20英亩的家庭传统常青小屋和许多历史悠久的旅馆,为格罗夫兰提供了一个迷人的基地, about 20 miles from the park's entrance. For a familiar brand name, 索诺拉橡树Best Western Plus Sonora Oaks酒店是索诺拉一个方便而著名的住宿选择.

Stanislaus National Forest

毗邻约塞米蒂的西北侧,建于1897年, Stanislaus is one of the oldest national forests in the U.S. 并提供丰富的露营,徒步旅行和户外活动的选择. 漫步在著名的地质构造中,如巨人柱, 古小矮人之路和石像鬼之路为徒步旅行者提供了见证火山活动结果的绝佳机会. Boating, fishing, sailing, 在温暖的月份里,桨板和更多的活动是松树湖的热门活动, 而在索诺拉以东的肯尼迪草地和阿斯彭草地,从春天到秋天都可以骑马. 移民荒野提供了一个冰川景观和著名的1,200-mile Pacific Crest Trail runs alongside the area. 众多的小屋租赁,房车公园,和露营地都可以在整个地区.

And More Beyond

Outside of Yosemite and Stanislaus, 图勒姆县提供了无数的额外选择的目的地. Don Pedro Lake is a popular site for swimming, boating and fishing, and camping is available year-round. Farther north, 斯坦尼斯劳斯河沿岸的新梅洛内斯湖水库清澈清澈, 沿着100英里的僻静海岸线提供野生动物观赏和水上摩托. 索诺拉的龙骑兵峡谷是一条橡树林地小径,坐落在城市范围内,在这里可以看到这座历史悠久的小镇及其周围山脉的壮观景色,徒步旅行只需2次.5 miles long. 两个州立公园为游客提供了哥伦比亚州立历史公园和铁路镇1897州立历史公园的时光倒流.

有关周边地区和整个地区全年选择的更多信息, including its Gold Rush connections, please visit the Tuolumne County Visitors Bureau online.

Author Brenda Tucker
Brenda Tucker

布伦达·塔克是贝博体彩app旅游艺术营销总监. She has lived in San Francisco since 1998, 她开车穿过乡村来到一户人家,没人见她. Brenda enjoys swimming out-of-doors year-round, being inspired by the incredible art scene in the City, and living in the best place on earth.