The Oasis Drag show is a popular nightlife activity
The Oasis Drag show is a popular nightlife activity.

Where to Catch the Best 拖了 in San Francisco

San Francisco's drag scene is world renowned, 也就是说没有比这里更适合看变装表演或吃早午餐的地方了吗.

贝博体彩app拥有“最好”的称号,在许多领域,我们都数不清. And no, we aren’t only referring to the dining experiencesarts 和 culture exhibits world-famous l和marks. In terms of drag, San Francisco hosts the best in the business. 无论你是一个狂热的粉丝,保罗的变装比赛或是一个变装秀新秀, attending a show or brunch in SF is a must.

Lady Camden in front of the 卡斯特罗 Theater

The History of San Francisco Drag

Before we send you off to a show, 这里是贝博体彩app变装场景历史的速成班:

  • 19世纪:女性不允许参加戏剧表演, 所以在莎士比亚的作品中,男人扮演女人的角色.
  • 20世纪:20世纪初,异装癖现象转移到杂耍表演中, 和 quickly became linked to the ”+ community.
  • 20世纪20年代至70年代:因异装癖而被捕的人数激增,使新兴的变装群体进入地下酒吧和夜总会, such as San Francisco’s Black Cat 和 Finocchio’s, where it continued to grow.
  • 20世纪80年代:在围绕”+社区的政治动荡和辩论之后, 变装成为了主流,各种场所开始在城市中涌现.

Drag has been a crucial component to the growth of the ”+ 社区,长期以来在贝博体彩app找到了一个独特的家 卡斯特罗 区. 作为全国第一个将同性恋婚姻合法化并选出公开同性恋身份的城市官员, 贝博体彩app对易装人群和”+群体的整体影响是无限的. 以下是我们挑选的最佳表演,这些表演有助于贝博体彩app维护其作为世界变装之都的声誉.


298 11th St.
Every Saturday at 10 p.m.

Oasis is owned by the country’s first ever Drag Laureate, D’Arcy Drollinger, 她今年被伦敦市长布里德任命,并在变装群体中取得了巨大进步. Oasis’s weekly Princess drag show is not one you are going to want to miss. With themes ranging from Miley Cyrus Night to Twisted Disney, each show is completely different than the last.

Diva Royale

358 Ocean Ave.
Friday 和 Saturday at 7:00 p.m.
Saturday 和 Sunday at 1:30 p.m.

如果你正在寻找典型的明星云集的变装事件与模仿多莉·帕顿, Celine Dion 和 so many more, look no further. The Diva Royale Drag show, which has travelled far 和 wide around the United States, offers one of the best drag shows there is in San Francisco.

Aunt Charlie’s Lounge

133 Turk St.
Friday 和 Saturday 10 p.m.

Aunt Charlie’s 是当地最受欢迎的酒吧,隐藏在田德隆(Tenderloin)中间,也是”+社区最受欢迎的潜水酒吧之一. Every weekend, 查理阿姨的"性感辣妹"表演了附近最精致的变装秀, 廉价的饮料和昏暗的气氛使这种体验更加丰富.

Drag Brunches

琼斯620年 St.
Every Sunday at 11 a.m.

琼斯620年’s “周日是变装”派对重塑了传统的周日,在阳光明媚的露台上享用满是无底洞含羞草和贝博体彩app一些最著名的变装皇后的早午餐,度过新的一周. 由非洲美洲主办,群星荟萃的演员,这场狂欢的表演是周末行程中必须添加的.

Lookout Lips 和 Lashes Drag Brunch

3600 16th St.
Every Saturday at 12 p.m. 和2p.m.

Right in the heart of the 卡斯特罗贝博体彩app标志性的”+社区,著名的瞭望台举办 Lips 和 Lashes Drag Brunch. Adding live music, 滑稽的, illusionists, 把舞者和变装皇后带到本来就很热闹的同性恋酒吧,是成功进入这个”+天堂的万无一失的秘诀.


Every Saturday 和 Sunday at 1:30 p.m.

幻想 puts on a variety of drag brunches across the country; but what better location to attend one of these shows than the drag capital of the country! This show goes above 和 beyond, 明星的模仿和令人眼花缭乱的服装将喜剧和魅力结合在一起,成为该国最受欢迎的节目之一. 广泛的早午餐和鸡尾酒传播一定会给每一个游客留下深刻印象.


2344 Market St.
Saturday 和 Sunday at 12:30 p.m. 和 2:30 p.m.

情郎, which gets its name from the French word for “boyfriends,是卡斯特罗区标志性的”+场所,每周提供大量奢华的主题活动. With a brunch menu provided by Taco Boys, 情郎每周的变装早午餐由一群活泼的变装皇后和dj主持.

While they are arguably the most fun, drag shows aren't the only way to explore San Francisco's iconic ”+ culture 和 influence. Take a trip to the 卡斯特罗 区,这个社区的基地,也是这个城市最活跃的社区之一. If you are looking to explore more performances,看看你在贝博体彩app期间有什么制作! 

Author Julia Middlebrook
Julia Middlebrook

茱莉亚·米德尔布鲁克是科罗拉多大学博尔德分校即将升入高年级的学生, pursuing a degree in Communication 和 Business. 今年夏天,她加入了贝博体彩app旅游营销团队,此前她曾在公共政策部门工作. 我在贝博体彩app出生长大,在这里能做的事我都做过, 朱莉娅热衷于传播她对这座城市的爱,并将永远认为它是世界上最好的地方.

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