
How to Work with San Francisco Travel's 媒体 Relations Department


This article is part of our Member Orientation series. To continue the series, click the next step button at the bottom of the page.

贝博体彩app旅游协会的全球公关和媒体关系团队致力于为贝博体彩app和该地区创造积极的媒体报道,使其成为理想的休闲目的地, group 和 convention travel.  Each year, San Francisco Travel assists thous和s of media writers for magazines, newspapers, guidebooks, websites, 博客, television, radio 和 other media all over the world.

贝博体彩app旅游会员的参与对每年产生数十亿关于贝博体彩app的媒体印象至关重要.  The support you provide turns into millions of dollars worth of publicity, which would otherwise be impossible for us to purchase. 


Available to All 成员

媒体 Relations Contacts

San Francisco Travel需要每位会员的业务人员的contact信息,他们应该收到营销的线索, 旅游, conventions, 和 media opportunities. 

媒体关系contact人应该是组织中处理公共关系的人,可以回应来自媒体或关于媒体的请求. You may list more than one 媒体 Relations Contact per business, 如果媒体关系由公关机构或外部承包商处理,这可能会有所帮助. 

您可以通过合作伙伴门户网站更新您组织的媒体关系contact人. Log in through our 成员 page, 和 navigate to Company Information 和 Contacts. You can also contact [email protected].  Please provide: 

  • Name of the member business.
  • Name of the 媒体 Relations Contact.
  • 媒体 Relations Contact email address.
  • 媒体 Relations Contact phone number.

媒体 Relations Bulletins

媒体关系公告是定期发送的电子邮件,通知正在寻求贝博体彩app住宿和体验(旅游)信息和/或邀请的媒体成员, attractions, 和 restaurants). Each bulletin contains instructions on how to respond. 如果您对参与不感兴趣,则无需回复电子邮件. 

酒店住宿的优惠通常通过贝博体彩app旅游局发送,然后转发给媒体.  酒店必须告知贝博体彩app旅游局提供的免费或折扣住宿的机架价格. 

Bulletins are sent only to those member businesses relevant to the media's needs.

On occasion, 我们可能会发送公告,通知我们参与的特别促销活动的机会(e.g., San Francisco-themed prize packages in giveaways or auction partnerships). Response 和/or participation is voluntary, 虽然这可能是一个额外的途径,为您的业务曝光到一个关键的观众.

Participation in FAM Tours

Throughout the year, 我们的媒体关系团队帮助组织旅行记者访问贝博体彩app和该地区,他们正在研究可能的报道故事和想法. As the team works on these familiarization trips (FAMs), 我们可能会contact,正式将您的业务列入特定媒体的行程. 您可以通过确保您的媒体contact信息是最新的(见上文)并在我们的询问到达时作出回应来提供帮助.

点击 在这里 for tips on hosting media at your business.

Press Release Library 

贝博体彩app旅行》撰写和分发各种各样的新闻稿,并保留了一个广泛的“常青”特色新闻稿库. 欢迎所有贝博体彩app旅游会员将此内容用于他们自己的新闻发布, press kits, collateral materials, websites, 等.  

To access the San Francisco Travel Association press release library, visit the media section of the San Francisco Travel website.

Photo/Video Library

San Francisco Travel丰富的图库中的图片可免费用于非商业性的贝博体彩app旅游推广. 批准的用途包括会员手册、网站、新闻稿、幻灯片放映等. Use in advertising is not permitted.  

要访问和下载贝博体彩app旅游在线图片库的图片,请访问 照片.bcjs120.net.

Social 媒体

San Francisco Travel是使用社交媒体的领先目的地营销组织之一. 每日帖子的内容是从各种来源收集的,目的是作为一个广泛的, entertaining insider’s view of San Francisco.   

How to participate:

Market Briefing: Working with Travel Writers

Twice each year, the 媒体 Relations team presents a briefing on how to find, contact, 球场, 和 host travel journalists.  了解贝博体彩app旅游会员的参与如何在每年创造数十亿关于贝博体彩app的媒体印象方面发挥重要作用. 看看你提供的支持如何转化为数百万美元的宣传价值,否则是不可能购买的. 

Submissions for “What’s New in San Francisco” Press Releases

A roundup release of “What’s New in San Francisco” is updated regularly.  This release is posted on our website, included in our press kits, 和 distributed to more than 3,000 international, domestic, regional 和 local journalists. 

Press Clippings

包括提及我们会员的剪报以电子方式分发. 这些都是发送给会员的关键contact人,不一定是媒体关系contact人.

Available to All Access-level 成员 和 all San Francisco Hotel 成员

Visiting 媒体 H和book

访问媒体手册是贝博体彩app旅游会员的数字参考指南,为访问媒体提供特别优惠.  该手册允许媒体创建最能支持其特定项目的个性化行程. We encourage media to contact San Francisco Travel members directly.  

Your introduction to the media will appear 在这里.

How to participate:

  • Login to the Partner 门户网站.
  • 点击 on Account Management under My Offers.
  • Select Visiting Journalist H和book.
  • Enter your 255-character offer in the fields shown.

Submissions will only be accepted from the Partner 门户网站.  Email requests will not be accommodated. If you need assistance navigating the 门户网站, please contact [email protected].   

Once your offer is entered, it will be reviewed 和 posted in the Visiting 媒体 H和book as soon as possible.

Welcome Packets for Visiting 媒体 

贝博体彩app旅游局协助的媒体在抵达酒店时收到一份欢迎包. 这些包包括一套新闻资料袋和与访问有关的特别材料. 


如需提供欢迎礼包中的门票,请与洛里·林肯contact [email protected].

媒体 passes can be provided as a PDF file, 媒体关系团队将根据需要打印并插入欢迎包中. 

媒体 Lists 

The following media lists in Excel format are available at no charge: 

  • Bay Area Travel 媒体
  • Bay Area 媒体 

If you are interested in receiving a media list, please contact Lori Lincoln at [email protected]

Let's Review!

We know these are a lot of opportunities for you to consider. 以下是一些基本要点,可以帮助你充分利用与贝博体彩app旅游媒体关系团队的合作: 

  • 确保San Francisco Travel将贵公司当前的媒体关系contact人存档.
  • Read 媒体 Relations bulletins carefully 和 respond promptly.
  • 通过《贝博体彩app》向媒体介绍自己并发出邀请, if eligible.
  • Host visiting journalists whenever possible.
  • Keep San Francisco Travel informed by adding us to your media list.
  • Write press releases in st和ard Associated Press style.
  • 当记者报道你的组织时,给他们发感谢信. 

Your San Francisco Travel Global PR 和 媒体 Relations Team 


Lori Lincoln
Vice President, Global PR 和 媒体 Relations
[email protected] 

Unsure of who to contact on the Global PR & 媒体 Relations team, or have general questions? 点击 在这里 to email the team.

Next Up: Working with our Marketing Communications Team
